Our Server Admin is planning on moving the message board server across town tomorrow (June 2nd) to a different network. The move itself should not take much time, but the server's numeric address will be changing. This means that some time may elapse before your ISP's DNS servers update to the new address.
For many people, it will happen within hours. For most it will take 24 to 72 hours. For some lame ISPs, it might take a week or more. Until your ISP updates their DNS records or all their DNS servers, you will have no way to access the board -- you will be told the address does not exist or the server is down. There is nothing we can do about this.
The Cauldron's main web site (you are on it now ) will not be moving anywhere, so it should remain accessible. Updates, if needed, will be posted here.
Cauldron Links
- Announcement (46)
- Interesting Discussions (967)
- Reviews (17)
Blog Archive
- Can We Get Some Testosterone Here, Please?
- How Did Humans Come to Be?
- Developing Religious Structure?
- The Gods
- Names for Nameless Gods
- Are their "Opposites" in Faith?
- Article: Spiritual Growth
- Article: How To Make A Dowsing Pendulum
- Article: Amethyst
- Article: Enhance Your Magick Energy
- Meditation and Depression
- Staff Position Open: Flash Chat Contact
- Out of Touch?
- Hera and Herkles?
- Godforms and Magic?
- Does Magic Really Work?
- How to Craft Your Tools?
- Questions about Visualization
- The Magical Uses of Salt?
- Is Religion your Life?
- "Queen of Sidhe" and "Dana"?
- Celebrating the Summer Solstice?
- Your Own Mecca?
- Salem Witch Trials
- Spells Done: Why Shouldn't We Talk About Them?
- Teenagers and Paganism
- So... Where Did "Harm None" Come From?
- Wacky Devotions
- Family Paganism?
- Transitions
- Mindfulness vs. Multitasking
- Never Taken Seriously When I Say I'm Wiccan
- Different Groups, Different Gods?
- Predators and Con Men in the Community
- How to Not Offend the Deities
- Smiting?
- Sacrifice
- Pagan Days/Dates of Worship
- Greek Anti-Recommendations
- Pagans Converting to Christianity
- Roman Empire Information Wanted
- Edited Ten Commandments for the Louisiana Legislature
- Meditation Problem
- Burning Loose Incense
- Review: Moon Tides, Soul Passages
- Being Liminal
- I'm Confused About God(s)!??
- Why Do We Feel the Need for Religion?
- Bible Stories that Bug You
- How Do You Make Offerings?
- Money Magic
- Candle Substitutes?
- What Does Honor Mean to You?
- Message Board Server Move Planned for June 2nd
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Message Board Server Move Planned for June 2nd
Posted by
Thursday, June 01, 2006