We are moving to the new SMF message board today (5 March 2007)! Our Beehive board is closed to new posts, so you need to bite the bullet and move to our new board now.
You will find our new board at:
You will need to register a new account to use the new board. Try to use your username from the old board (if you have one) as it will make it easier for people to know who you are. Please sure to use a working email address that can receive messages from ecauldron.net and ecauldron.com (without being blocked by spam filters or other spam-blocking methods) as you will have to receive an email from the board to complete the registration process.
You will probably want to read Star's excellent post on differences between Beehive and the new SMF board:
Intro to SMF: The Bare Bones
SMF's Help is also very useful for introducing the board's features, layout, and what the important little buttons actually do.
You can find a list of all the rules and guidelines posts (including those for special folders) here:
Rules and Guidelines Post List
Once you have registered and looked the new SMF message board over, please post an introduction in the Introductions board -- if you had an active account on our old Beehive Board, please post your intro in the Beehive Board Members -- Introduce Yourself Here topic in the Introductions board. If you have made 25 or more posts in the "Main Forum" on our old Beehive board (check your profile via any message either to or from you on the Main Forum of our old Beehive board for a count), be sure to say so in your intro as that will qualify you for a upgrade to the "Full Member" membergroup without having to make at least 15 posts on the new board (provided you meet the other requirements: age, no long record of rules problems, not a complete newbie).
There are already a number of discussions on the new board, but once you are set up don't hesitate to start new ones or to restart ones that were ongoing here.
Cauldron Links
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- Review: Priestess of Avalon, Priestess of the Goddess
- Review: And Banish With Laughter
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- Just Not Feeling "Pagan" Lately...
- Review: Refuge: Tales of Myth and Magick
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- Review: The Origins of Psychic Phenomena
- Enlightenment - Someone Left the Light On?
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- New State Laws would Shut Down The Cauldron
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- Favorite Stories from Mythology?
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- Food and Ritual
- Morality and Chaos Magic
- Moving to Our New SMF Message Board
- They Never Told Me That!
- Prayer Beads?
- Polytheist+Agnostic+Atheist=?
- Current Religious Projects?
Monday, March 05, 2007
Moving to Our New SMF Message Board
Posted by
Monday, March 05, 2007