The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum's new vBulletin message board is now open for current members of our SMF message board to recreate their accounts and start making the new board home.
If you are a current member of our SMF message board, read this message in our private member's board to find out where to go: IMPORTANT: Current Members may begin creating accounts on the NEW BOARD.
If you are not a current member, the new board should be open to everyone in 24 to 48 hours.
Cauldron Links
- Announcement (46)
- Interesting Discussions (967)
- Reviews (17)
Blog Archive
- Bumfuzzled (A Hekate Issue)
- Witch's 10 Commandments
- Culture/Worldview and Deities
- Meal Blessings/Prayers
- Does Ghost Radar App Work?
- Moons, their names and meanings
- Prayers for Norway
- Question(s) Regarding Donations/Payments
- Speaking aloud in ritual?
- Laziness and the Gods
- What sorts of things do you do magic for?
- "Model Train" altars--how close is yours?
- "Hecate is a Crone Goddess" and Other 'Myth'concep...
- When deities DON'T like your offerings?
- Pagan Periodicals
- Advice on how to say a Big thank you to my patrons...
- Cernunnos
- Heathen it possible?
- Where to start with Feri?
- ADF Experiences?
- How do you keep it going when life goes to sh!t?
- What books started you on your current path\help s...
- What do the Gods do for you?
- Creating a "Tradition"?
- Discovering What's Missing?
- Hera and the days of the week
- Worship? Honor? Venerate? What?
- Altar & Shrine Inspiration & Pics
- Depression (and other fun mental afflictions) and ...
- Moving Rituals
- Making the Mundane Sacred
- Odin and Freyr: One and the same?
- Who do you work with?
- What Pagans and Christians Can Learn from Each Other
- Grave Tending as a Ritual
- Our New vBulletin Message Board is Open
- New vBulletin Message Board Open to Current Members
Monday, July 04, 2011
New vBulletin Message Board Open to Current Members
Posted by
Monday, July 04, 2011
Labels: Announcement