Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Article System Added

While The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum uses TinyPortal and it has an article system that members can use, Tinyportal's article system is so confusing and complex that I'm about the only person who ever uses it. This sort of defeats the purpose of having an article system.

In the interest of getting more of our members to submit articles for our web site, I've added the SMF Article mod to the board software. (see the Article button in the blue menu bar on this forum). This system is much easier to use. Typing and submitting an article for the Article section is now not much different than posting a message. The editor is a slight variant of the standard message editor and uses standard SMF BBCode (not html). So if you can post a message on the board, you can post an article in the Article system.

Articles from basic and regular members will not appear until approved (to prevent spammers from posting spam). Articles posted by Companion and Full members will be autoapproved when posted.

Please remember that the article system is for standalone articles like you would find in a magazine -- if you want discussion, you need to post a regular message on the message board. Also remember that all articles you submit MUST BE YOUR OWN WORK. Do Not submit material you find elsewhere on the web as an article -- with or without permission from the copyright holder. (Note: Staff members and Article Editors may be authorized by the Hosts to post articles written by others.)

More article categories will be added as needed. If you do not see an appropriate Category for your article, post it to the "Uncategorized" Category.

All articles submitted are subject to editing by Cauldron Staff and/or appointed Article Editors. If you do not want your article edited or changed in any way, please DO NOT submit it. Submitting an article subjects the article to our standard rules on submissions in Cauldron Community Rules and Policies:


By posting content to The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum's message board or other community areas (or by submitting material directly by email or other means for the Cauldron's web site or newsletter), you are irrevocably authorizing the royalty-free use of that content (or edited material taken from that content) in The Cauldron's web sites, community areas, newsletters, mailing lists, announcement areas, blogs, ebooks, and other online venues.

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