What do you think about non-oathbound material published by people from an oathbound path?
* Do you think the given information is incomplete in a significant way, because oathbound stuff is omitted, changed or generalized? So is the material less authentic than material published from a not-oathbound path?
* Do you use such material, for example books by Gardnerians containing non-oathbound stuff (like Deborah Lipp Elements of Ritual?
What do you think about oathbound material published?
* Do you think it is authentic and useful?
* Would you use it or parts of it? Why/why not?
If you're from an oathbound path how does your tradition handle this question or how do you think it should?
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Monday, September 22, 2008
Published Material from Oathbound Traditions?
Posted by
Monday, September 22, 2008
Labels: Interesting Discussions